- I am pregnant! There is a teeny tiny baby (who was the size of a sesame seed when we told the people closest to us and who was between the size of a lentil and a blueberry when we announced on Facebook) growing inside of me, and that alone deserves to be shouted from the rooftops.
- I am bloated... most days I'm already too fat for my skinny jeans, and if you see me out and notice this, I don't deserve to have you pass judgement on me for it.
- This pregnancy happened. No matter what happens from now until April, this is my first pregnancy and I will refuse to pretend like it's not.
- We have prayed for this pregnancy and this baby for almost a year. We have had family and friends pray for us and this baby. God deserves the glory for blessing us with this baby regardless of what will happen in the future.
- We believe in the power of prayer, and the more people that know, the more people we have praying for us.
We did have our first ultrasound today, and we saw the sweetest flicker of a heartbeat that I could ever imagine. Baby Dent was wiggling all around and my heart could explode with love for this sweet baby that is only a little over 2 centimeters long. Everything looked good, and the heart beat was 176.
Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy.
Please continue to pray for a healthy pregnancy.