**This post is a little scattered, and it is honestly just a bunch of random thoughts thrown together, but it is on my mind and my heart today.
I have attended the First Priority (formerly FCA) meeting at Andalusia High School twice in the last couple of months. The first time I went, Tyler Dent was sharing his testimony, and today, I shared my testimony. I'm going to start going every week because it is a blessing to me and it is a good way to start off my Wednesday!
I have about a 15-20 minute drive to work in the mornings, so I was thinking during my drive today... when I was in high school, this group was called FCA, or Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It makes me so happy that this name has been changed to First Priority because I always thought that calling it "Fellowship of Christian Athletes" was somewhat limiting to your crowd that would come because not everyone who needs to be there is a Christian, and that's who we should be trying our hardest to get there... the lost. As Christians, it is our job and our mission in life to share the gospel, the good news, with the lost.... the unsaved... the ones who are going to hell unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
So students, particularly Andalusia High School students, make it a priority to make it to these meetings on Wednesday mornings. Trust me... if I can wake up 30 minutes earlier to get there, you can, too. Invite your peers to come. Maybe someone isn't coming because they haven't personally been invited... or they don't feel welcome... it might just take you letting them know that you would love for them to come next week.
As you probably know, my testimony was centered around my wreck. And just like all the other times I've shared my testimony, the last thing I said this morning was, "About a year after my car accident, Hayley and I were getting ready in our bathroom, and she said 'Hillary, I need to ask you a question.' I had no idea what was about to come out of her mouth, but I said 'okayyy' and she asked, 'If you would have died that day, would you have gone to heaven?' And I without a shadow of a doubt know that I would have." I then told them that the same thing that happened to me, could happen to any one of them; we never know when our life is going to be changed forever by something like that, but everyone there needed to make sure before they left that they knew where they would spend eternity.
I don't think that most high school students realize how important that it is to know with absolute certainty that they are saved, that they have placed their trust in the Lord, and that if anything happens to them, they will spend eternity with Him. They think they have their whole lives ahead of them... and in a perfect world, where nobody dies young, they do. But in this world, in a world that is corrupt and so imperfect, you never know what day is going to be your last.
Mr. Searcy challenged the students to "be bold"... everyone has a story, tell people your story, tell people what Christ has done for you... invite them to next Wednesday's meeting. This is my invitation to every student at Andalusia High School... meetings are every Wednesday morning at 7:15 in the cafeteria. If someone takes you to school and they can't get you there that early, talk to Coach Dent at school or message me on Facebook. We would be happy to come pick you up on our way. Parents, encourage your teenagers to be at these meetings. There was a much better crowd at today's meeting than there was at the one I went to last month, but every seat in that cafeteria should be taken... standing room only. Wouldn't it be great if there were so many students showing up to hear a personal testimony or a short devotion that the speaker needed a microphone for everyone to hear?